Transition-Out Plan Template
A well written Transition-Out Plan will help make the transition seamless at the end of a project or contract. Many Request for Proposals (RFPs) require a draft contract transition-out plan to be submitted with your proposal. This template is a good starting point as it includes many of the considerations...
Project Acceptance Template
Formal Project Acceptance Requires a Signature by the Project Sponsor or Customer. Before a project can be closed out the Project Manager needs formal acceptance of the project by the Project Sponsor or Customer. Formal acceptance is one step of the close out process and doesn’t release the Project Manager...
Post Project Review Template
It’s good practice to review all projects at their completion. A Post Project Review should be performed in addition to a Lessons Learned. Reviewing your project to see how actual results compared to planned gives you a good 30,000 foot view of the project’s performance. The post project review along...
Lessons Learned Template
Even the most successful projects have lessons from which we can learn. Whether you’re building the next wonder of the World, or upgrading an IT system there will be lessons you can learn from your project. An effective Project Manager documents and analyzes the lessons learned from his project and...