Meeting Objectives
State in one or two sentences the overall purpose and objective of the meeting.
Action Item Review (Name of Topic Chair) 15 minutes
The first thing to cover in a project meeting is the action items from the previous meeting. Action items and who they were assigned to were sent out in the meeting minutes from the previous meeting. This section of the meeting agenda template lists the assignees and their action items. The Chair for this topic will call on each of the assignees for them to state the status of their action items. Before the meeting be sure to let the assignees know that they will be presenting the status of their action items during the meeting, if they are unable to attend the meeting then they should have their representative attend the meeting and present for them.
(Assignee Name)
- First Action Item from last meeting
- Second Action Item from last meeting
(Assignee Name)
- First Action Item from last meeting
- Second Action Item from last meeting
- Third Action Item from last meeting
(Assignee Name)
- First Action Item from last meeting
- Second Action Item from last meeting
Schedule Review (Name of Topic Chair) 45 minutes
The MS Project schedule (Gantt chart) is reviewed during this meeting topic. The review covers the status of all work completed since the last meeting, work performed since the last meeting and work which will be performed prior to the next meeting.
- Work Completed
- Planned Work for next two weeks
Risk Management (Name of Topic Chair) 10 minutes
Risks are typically identified in the project plan and the project schedule. This project meeting agenda topic discusses risks which are being actively monitored, risks which have been closed out since the last meeting and risks which need to be actively monitored and managed in the coming few weeks. Responses to any risks which were realized since the last meeting are also discussed along with the response taken.
- Risk 1
- Risk 2
- Risk 3
New Action Items (Name of Topic Chair) 5 minutes
Before the meeting adjourns all new action items assigned during this meeting are reviewed. The action item review is to ensure that all action items are clearly defined, assigned to someone, and agreed upon by the meeting attendees. Be sure to include due dates for action items as some are expected to be completed prior to the next meeting; whereas, others may have a shorter or longer due date. Also, be sure to wrap up the meeting by stating when the next meeting will be held.